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In a digital accounting practice,
you may need a digital accountant.
Meet Luca,
our digital accountant.
I want to try Luca

Luca gets the job done
and you pay only for
the job done.


Luca is a digital accountant.

We have named him after 15th-century Italian mathematician, Fra Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli, the father of modern accounting.


Exactly like a junior accountant:

  • Luca reads the incoming documents, classifies them, and captures their content.
  • If the content is not clear, he will ask you a question.
  • If the document needs to be booked, Luca prepares an accounting entry.
  • If Luca has no doubts about the posting, he just enters it into the accounting system your client uses.
  • If he has doubts, he will ask you a question.

Unlike a junior accountant, Luca works at night, over weekends and takes no holidays.

He also remembers all the rules you have set and each decision made for every document. If you have a cloud-based accounting system, try Luca. Trying is easy and costs nothing.

I want to try Luca now
Jerzy M. Mikosz
Jerzy M. Mikosz
Luca’s designer

"50% of the documents Luca has received so far could have been correctly processed from an inbox to a posting without engaging another accountant."

How much does Luca earn?
  • Luca charges you 0.20 CHF per document received for its classification, intelligent OCR and booking proposal, if applicable.
  • If the booking proposal is correct, he earns 0.60 CHF bonus.
  • If everything about the document and the booking is clear, Luca may be allowed to post it without waiting for a confirmation from an accountant. For each such document Luca gets 0.30 CHF success fee.
No subscriptions.
No volume thresholds.
No implementation costs.
Just paying for a job well done.
About Us
Robotic Ledger AG is a Swiss software company founded in 2019. We have developed Luca: a digital accountant, covering the whole bookkeeper's work from reading the incoming documents to booking them according to the agreed rules.
About Us


  • April 2020. Luca starts booking bills received by our company.
  • September 2020. Luca starts working for the first client.
  • December 2022. Luca reappears as a web application.
  • April 2023. We move Luca on a large document management platform.
  • August 2024. The third version of Luca is released.
The website is operated by:
Robotic Ledger AG
Sumpfstrasse 26
CH-6312 Steinhausen, ZG
UID: CHE-386.037.613
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